Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I sit here with tears barely contained in my eyes as I think about a friend.  Tasha is pregnant and due in the middle of September.  Sadly, it looks like little baby Maya will have to be born way too early.  Tasha has pre-eclampsia and has been put on hospital bed rest until Maya is born.  They are hoping for at least a couple of weeks, but docs say it could be days if Tasha's condition worsens at all.  Baby Maya has great odds, but it is going to be a hard path to travel for their whole family.  I wish I could be there more for Tasha.  She lost her mom a while before I met her and doesn't really have any close relatives.  I hate that she has so little support right now at a time when most people would be leaning on parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, friends she has only her husband and in-laws.  I've been reading about the odds and chances of survival at 28-29 weeks and they are really high (in the 90%), but it's hard to have my friend going through this when I can't be there to hold her hand and hug her tight.  No one should ever have to go through this turmoil of wondering if today could be the day baby is born until way later.  I had pre-eclampsia with both of my girls, and had to be induced both times, but it was never this serious and I was always 'term' by the time symptoms got severe (37 and 39 weeks).  I'm holding Tasha in my heart and praying that she improves with medical care.  I think the thing that hurts me most about this is I worry that when we decide to have another child I could get sick this early.  I could have to lay in a hospital bed waiting while my two older girls are wondering where mommy is.  I could have to come home without my baby and explain to my girls why baby can't come home yet.  I don't want to have to do that ever, but I also know my heart isn't full yet.  My family isn't complete.  My heart is with you Tasha and I will see you soon.

UPDATE:  Tasha ended up having little baby Maya at 27 1/2 weeks.  Both mom and baby are doing ok.  Maya is in NICU and will be there for a while yet, but she is a little trooper and is doing well.  She had to have surgery to fix an issue with her heart, but other than that she hasn't had any major issues.  I will get to see the little princess when I go up to throw her baby shower on August 25th.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Saw Jane Run

This weekend I participated in the See Jane Run 5K.  It was lots of fun!  I was super nervous about running it since I hadn't even ran close to that lately, but I finished and wasn't even the last one!  My time was 45:24 and I felt great afterwards.  I'm not sure it that had to do with the champagne and chocolate afterwards or endorphins.  The weather was beautiful and running along the coast gave me a gorgeous view to keep my mind off the running.  I'm already looking forward to my next run! 

The only bad part about the weekend was David and Willow being sick and Phoebe keeping me up all night the night before my race.  Not exactly how I wanted to rest the night before, but it all worked out in the end and we all had a fun time. 

Now I have to get back into my routine of running so that I don't get out of shape before the next run!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Running Around

A few months ago I started training for a 5k with a group of awesome mommies I met here in Tracy.  I remember starting out thinking, oh, this is easy, I'll be running a 5k in NO time.  HAHA.  Right now I can walk/run 2.5 miles fine, but I am so scared about running the 5k in Alameda this weekend.  I know I don't have to run the whole way AND I wont be pushing the stroller, so I shouldn't have any problem doing the 3.1ish miles, but the whole idea of running with lots of people makes me nervous!  What if I'm the last one?  Heehee.  It's the See Jane Run and there will be champagne and chocolate at the finish line.  I think that's the best motivator EVER!  I AM looking forward to running with out the kiddos in tow!  I love my girls to death, but this momma needs some me time!  They'll be waiting at the finish line for me though.  :-D 

Now I feel like I need a nap after this morning's run.  Too bad the princesses have decided to NOT nap at the same time anymore.  :-(